Today is day two of snow day lock down in Dallas. Ice, snow and frigid temperatures make me so grateful for my warm house, warm clothes and warm cup of (decaf) coffee. The last two days I have watched the Lord alter our schedules and change our plans to spend more time with Him and with each other.
At 29 weeks pregnant, the countdown is on to Baby Jack's arrival but also the countdown to life-altering schedules, sleeplessness, lack of quiet, and other things I hear babies bring with them! While we literally can't wait for his arrival, this last extended peaceful and quiet spell has been lovely. It's amazing how God reveals himself to us when we are quiet and listening. He moves our priorities around, loosens our grip on how we feel our life should be, refreshes our souls and gives us strength.
I often wonder... ok worry, about how my business walk by faith will change once baby is here. Perhaps this blog will be renamed "baby by faith" or "business and baby by faith" as I do hope my contracts will remain intact in some way once I come up for air post-baby. I've watched the Lord move Jack higher and higher on my priority list. So what does that mean for me as the reality of being "mother" is setting in? How does the lofty ideal woman/wife in Proverbs 31 fit in? I suppose I'm still figuring that out and will keep you posted. BUT, this I know. God has provided for my every step, surely he will provide for my steps ahead.
Psalm 105:4-5 "Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles and the judgments he pronounced,"