Monday, June 13, 2011

Blessings in Disguise

In honor of Jack's 12 week birthday today and in acknowlegement of my horrible blogging, I decided that today is a good day to start fresh. First things first - Happy Birthday to my precious Jackary! I love you so much and am so happy that I get to spend so much time with you in these early months, what a treat to see you grow and learn and develop.

So just a quick recap - Jack came early - 4 weeks early! We had gifts strewn across the house, nothing put together like a pack n play or swing and no car seat in the car and WHAM my water broke. Turns out there is no turning back when your water breaks. Jack arrived March 21 at 4:32pm at 5 pounds 4 ounces and praise God healthy and strong. The Lord was so gracious to us during that time. His hands orchestrated everything from the doctor on call to the timing of Patrick being home from his fishing trip to our time in special care.

Blessing 1 of many: Jack was immediately put on a schedule, eating every three hours at first, then pretty much going right to sleep. He was too small to nurse and burned too many calories so we bottled fed what I pumped. I look back and see blessings in disguise. My son is now a very predictable baby for the most part and knows a routine.

Blessing 2 of many: He started nursing exclusively at 4 weeks and oh how I love that sweet time and realize what a privilege it is to care for him in this way.

Blessing 3: We got to see him grow and be in a baby stage for a long time. We wore out those newborn clothes most people never even get to see their babies in. We bought premie and celebrated when we outgrew those tiny outfits that would fit inside a salad plate. I nearly cry every time I see those tiny clothes at stores because they look SO small and he was SO small. I used to sing him "Jesus Loves Me". It took on a whole new meaning the verse "they are weak but he is strong". I held on to those words for dear life when he dropped to 4 pounds 13 ounces. But I also say GOD HEARD OUR PRAYERS and helped Jack grow. What a miracle to see.

There are so many more but these are my favorite. God is so good and even though we didn't know what to do or know why Jack came early and we were afraid, GOD knew the plans for us, the exact time Jack would get here and miracles he would allow us to see because of it. I saw this verse on another friend's blog and thought how perfect it fit, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9.

I wasn't sure where Jack and Patrick would fit in to this blog but Patrick reminded me that this blog really isn't about business or baby, it's about God and his work in my life. I hope that comes across. And speaking of business, Head Start is still working with me on projects and even allows me to work from home. I did my first project when Jack was just 4 weeks :). I felt the Lord saying "let me handle this" and he did. It was a working relationship I only hoped would still be there when I got back and God is good and it is still there.

So happy twelfth week my little love, your smile brightens my day and at this point night too ;) My prayer for you is Luke 2:52, "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." I pray Jack grows in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. I hope the Lord doesn't mind. :)

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